The New Year is here, and if you’re an avid traveler like us, you probably had some awesome celebration to ring it in. But, if you’re just starting to think about getting into the traveling game, then now’s the time. We all come up with new resolutions for ourselves once the new year arrives. And, for most people, it’s usually something along the lines of getting in shape, finding a new job, etc. But, if you want to include travel into your new year’s resolutions, then it’s time to be fearless. Traveling for some people can really be a scary thing for many reasons. So, here at Tour Amigo, we’re going to help you overcome that, and get going on your year (and future) of traveling!

Maps, Travel Inspiration

Get Travel Prepared


The first step in getting ready for travel is making sure you have all your documents prepared. Do you have a passport? If so, is your passport almost full or expired? Lots of new countries means new stamps and new visas. What about credit cards or a means of saving money? Some credit cards can help you accrue many points and rewards for free travel.


Make Your List


Even if you’re not a traveling-type of person right now, we all have places we’ve always wanted to visit. When you imagine being able to hop on a plane without money or time being a concern, where does your mind immediately go? Write down the first destinations that come to you. If you don’t have a particular destination in mind but you know you like beaches, or mountains, or desert, use that as a starting point.


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Decide What’s Holding You Back


What is that’s holding you back from traveling? If it’s not only that you’re just scared to take that leap, then what is it? For some people, it’s money. For others, it’s safety, or merely stepping out of your comfort zone and wandering into the unfamiliar. Decide what it is that’s holding you back, and think about whether or not you can conquer it.


Start off Small


So, once you’re feeling confident enough to get out there, maybe it’s not time to travel to the other side of the world just yet. Baby steps, right? If traveling internationally really isn’t for you right now, that’s okay. Find a domestic destination that you’ve been wanting to go to test the waters. You’ll be glad you did!


Find a Tour!


One way to be fearless about travel is by going with a tour. A tour is one of the best ways to get out there, because all the details are planned for you. Whether you choose to do everything with a tour or you just want the tour to take care of some of the sightseeing, that’s totally up to you. There’s a tour out there for everyone, and it’s easy to find one that fits your needs and your budget. Just take a look on Tour Amigo!


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Save Up


One of the biggest things holding us back from being fearless is money. But, for most people, it’s possible to save just by making some changes in your life. Don’t eat out as often. Make coffee at home. Limit how much money you spend on clothes or stuff. Hold a garage sale. Set aside some of your salary each month.


2017 is your year of being fearless. It’s your year of travel. Let’s get moving!