If you’re traveling in Southeast Asia or South America, you’ll find that many things, like accommodations, transportation, and food, is rather cheap. However, if you go to countries in Europe or other parts of Asia, traveling is a lot more on the expensive side. Someone who loves to travel to different places shouldn’t have to pass up on these destinations just because they’re more expensive. There are still many ways to visit without having to blow through your savings or live off of ramen every day. You just need to know some of these money-saving hacks!


1) Carry a Water Bottle and Snacks


I always get thirsty and hungry when I travel. I find that I’m spending more money on buying water bottles or little snacks than I ever do when I’m home. This adds up quickly, especially if you consider foreign exchange ATM fees. (Another way to save money is by getting an account at a bank that’s found in the country you’re going to, using cash, or a credit card that doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees!).


But, beyond that, don’t keep spending money on things that you can easily reduce the cost of. You can do this by carrying a reusable water bottle with you, that you can fill up at water fountains or at restaurants when you go. (Of course, make sure the water’s clean.) Also, instead of buying an expensive snack each time you get hungry, run into a grocery store and get a bag of nuts or granola bars. These will last you much longer and will give you more energy while traveling.



2) Spend a Little More on an Accommodation with a Kitchen


Sometimes, renting an Airbnb or apartment with a kitchen you can use will save you some money, even if not right away. Since a meal in a lot of these countries could cost you a whole day’s budget in another, you have to be wise about what you eat. Staying in an accommodation with a kitchen, or even just a microwave and refrigerator, could save you so much on your traveling expenses.


3) Do Some Travel Overnight to Save on Hotels


Ahh…the old, “killing two birds with one stone.” Why pay for a hotel AND a bus/train/plane, when you can do both? Travel overnight to make your money go even further.



4) Go Free or Go Home


One hack for saving money during travel means that you need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone to spend less. You may have to travel with a carry-on to avoid expensive checked bag fees. You may have to go without a nice shower or a good night’s sleep, and you need to be willing to eat at cheaper places by having a willingness to try street food. Most of all, you may need to trade paid activities for free ones, which luckily, lots of cities have. For instance, some cities have one day a week or month that is free to enter museums.


5) Compare Different Modes of Transportation


In some places, the cheapest mode of transportation may be a plane, and in others, it may be renting a car and driving yourself. Don’t assume what’s most affordable/most convenient in your country will be the same in the country you’re traveling in. Compare prices and times and make sure you’ll get the most for your money. Also, look into seeing if they offer discounts for those with a student ID!


6) Pay Attention to the Currency Exchange Rate


If the country you’re traveling to uses a different currency than your own, then do yourself a favor and read up a little on it. See how the currency is doing and has been doing in relation to your own country’s currency. You may find that it changes often and you need to pay attention to it (download an app on your phone) to exchange on the days of your trip where you’ll get the most for what you’re exchanging.


Likewise, you may want to hold off if there are predictions that won’t work financially in your favor. Also, be aware of what things should normally cost in the country you’re traveling to. If you know a bottle of water is supposed to cost the equivalent of $0.50, then make sure you’re not paying $3.00 for it.


7) Book a Tour


Last but not least, the best travel hack to save money on your trip is booking a tour. On the surface, the price of some tours may seem expensive. However, when you look into it and see all the things that your tour will be covering from your flight, in-country transportation, activities, accommodations, to food costs, it may come out WAY cheaper than if you were to go at it yourself. If you’re not so sure, you can look into doing tours for certain activities here and there to save you money overall.


Traveling doesn’t always need to be expensive. Try these hacks to give you a hand in saving even more of your budget!