Traveling soon? No doubt that there will be a lot of things you’ll need to take care of before you go. But, before you even get to the packing part, you’ll want to check all these before you go.


1. Check Your Passport and Visa Requirements


Before you book a trip to any country, you need to check two of the most important things. The first one is to make sure your passport is still valid for AT LEAST another six months. Most countries won’t let you in if they see your passport will expire soon, so make sure that’s all updated. Also, when you book your ticket, they sometimes ask for your passport number, and you’re going to want to make sure that the number you use is the number on your new passport.


In addition to that, you also want to look into that country’s visa requirements. You may find that they don’t require a visa at all, they provide a visa on arrival, or you actually have to go to the embassy an interview for the visa before hand. Typically, you’ll have to this part after your ticket is already booked, but you want to give yourself at least a month to take care of it.



2. Make Sure There Are No Conflicting Dates


First of all, before you book any trip, you want to get approval from work, first. That’s a given. But, you also want to make sure that the dates you book won’t conflict with any special occasions, like a friend’s wedding or a nephew’s birthday. Of course, you decide what’s worth skipping or not, but you don’t want to book a trip and find out the worst.


Note: You can also book travel insurance which in SOME CASES will let you re-book your flight without paying an extra fee.


3. Take Care of Any Personal Things


Got anything you need to take care of before you go? Maybe you need to buy some medicine, visit a doctor, or say goodbye to your friends (that’s more for people that are going to be gone for awhile.) Whatever it is, make sure you leave yourself enough time to get done everything you need to.



4. Check The Internet Situation


Not everyone needs the Internet or a phone when they travel. But, some people work while they’re on the road or they need a way to connect. Others might just want to have a solution to contact friends and family while they’re away. If these things are important to you, figure out how you’ll go about it. Some countries, like Cuba, for example, aren’t ideal for people who need Internet or phone coverage. But, other countries, like South Korea, are quite the opposite. Most countries have Wi-Fi and sim cards you can buy at the airport.


5. Check the Weather During That Time


This one goes without saying, but it’s good to have a reminder. Don’t travel to a place if you don’t know what the weather is going to be like. For example, traveling to a tropical island during the rainy season may be cheaper, but it’s certainly not a good choice. Also, if you’re not comfortable with extreme weather, you may want to avoid places during a certain time of the year. Stay away from India in May and maybe avoid going to Scandinavia during the middle of winter.


Part of traveling is expecting the unexpected. But, if you can prepare as much as possible, you’ll be in good shape!
Check out Tour Amigo for what to help you lock in those dates


Hana LaRock is originally from New York, though has called other places around the world her home for the last two years. She currently lives in Mexico and freelance travel writer. When she’s not working, she enjoys writing, reading, spending time with her dog, and of course, traveling. You can find her at