Empanadas filled with meaty goodness, casseroles, fresh seafood served in stew or ceviche form, and barbecue form the main dishes in Chile – though the list of meat dishes favoured by this South American nation is by far the longest of any kind of cuisine served here. Along with the familiar beef, chicken and lamb you will find ostrich and dried llama on tours in Chile. Top everything with some spicy chillies, cool off with a milk or custard dessert, and digest with some Yerba Mate. Buena onda!



Corn Casserole

Empanadas de Pino pastry (meat, olives, raisins)

Completo sandwich with italiano (avocado, tomato, mayo) or dinámico (sauerkraut) orchacarero (green beans and chillies)

Cazuela soup

Pastel de Choclo casserole

chile food


Salmon, sea bass, conger eel, trout

Yellow fin tuna ceviche, Centolla King Crab

Paila Marina seafood stew

Caldillo de Congrio eel stew



Asado Chileno (Chilean barbecue)


Cordero Lamb, ostrich

Barros Luco: steak and melted cheese (named after a President!)

Choripan spicy hotdog

Speciality pot of Chiloé curanto – mix of seafood, pork, beef, chicken -home-made in a pit from hot rock pressure cooker

Charquican dried llama

chile food


Merken seasoning, spicy pebre

Ají (chili pepper – no relation to Chile!)

Milcaopotato cakes

chile food


Manjarmilk dessert

Flan de Lucuma custard flan



Papayas, raspberries, blueberries, grapes



Yerba Mate green tea

Mote con Huesillo: wheat seeds & dried peaches beverage



Cristal, Escudo, Royal Guard



Chilean (Cabernet Sauvignon/Blanc)

Carmenèrered, Casablanca valley white

Jote (wine and cola)



Pisco Sour cocktail

Courtney Gahan is a serial expat, traveller and freelance writer who has bartered with Moroccan marketeers, seen the sun rise at Angkor Wat and elbowed her way through crowds on NYE in NYC